Friday, May 17, 2013

Coffee Wisdom

Those of you who know me, or follow me on instagram or twitter, know that I love my morning Dutch Bros {small sugar free white chocolate latte with coconut milk please}.  Here in the Pacific Northwest we take our coffee very Medford there is a drive through coffee stand on {almost} every corner, up in Portland you will never be more than a block from a coffee shop, and Seattle is home to the original Starbucks.  Recently, my cup of coffee has been more than a caffeine pick-me up, it's an unexpected sip of encouragement and a little reminder of how to live life to the fullest.  

Words of wisdom from my morning cup of joe:

I encourage you to ask yourself, "Am I doing my part to be the change I want to see in this world?"  We can't do it alone, but every little part adds up. More can always be done, but I spend a lot of my time giving back to charities and organizations that hold a special place in my heart, in an effort to leave a positive impact and impart change. 

Life is short...let the people you love know how much they mean to you, on a daily basis.  Call a friend you haven't talked to in a while, send a "just-because" card in the mail. It is so easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day hustle and bustle of life that we forget to invest time in that which is most important: personal relationships.  


A smile creates happiness in the home, 
promotes good will in business, 
and is the cornerstone of friendship.
It can perk up the weary, 
bring cheer to the discouraged, 
sunshine to the sad, 
and is nature's best antidote for trouble.

What a great reminder...Love Abounds. Next time you are down, or feeling like the world around you is crumbling, take a moment to focus on all of the love that is present in your life and in this world.  

Words to live by: 

These lids, that to most are just a lid, remind me that I need to slow down and enjoy the little things; it's amazing to me how many people aren't even aware of these tidbits of encouragement on their coffee lids. What wonderful, uplifting things are you and I missing as we go through life, because we aren't taking the time to slow down and enjoy.

I challenge you to live life to the fullest...and that includes enjoying the little things, like your morning cup of joe! 


  1. Yum! Did not know that they serve coconut milk!!!!! I like your choice of drink, it sounds so tasty. I usually just get a non fat oregon chai. Might need to switch it up now that I learned that they have coconut milk. I like the drink lids. They always make me smile. :-)
    Good luck at RnR tomorrow. I will miss seeing you. :-(

  2. Encouraging words from a powerful woman.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the WORLD.
